Monday, January 23, 2017

Class Survey

1)   What was your overall experience like in the course? What surprised you and what interested you?

2)   What was your favorite book we read and why?

3)   What was your least favorite book we read and why?

4)   What was your favorite film we watched and why?

5)   What was your least favorite film we watched and why?

6)   What did you learn through the process of making the Twine project? Ultimately, how did you feel about this assignment? Was it something you found worthwhile?  

7)   What were your favorite in-class activities?

8)   Anything you’d like to see more or less of? This could apply to activities, or horror sub-genres. Please keep in mind that I do teach already teach a monsters class so I don’t repeat that class here. Also keep in mind that anything “added” will necessarily “remove” something else, due to time constraints.

9)   Anything else you’d like me to know?

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